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Seducing the Runaway Bride (The Wrights Book 1) Page 15

  “Hey, things are working pretty well now. What do you say we give those skis in your garage one more trip on the slopes before you leave?” Chuck kissed along my shoulder as he held me on the couch in front of the fire, naked except for the soft knit blanket wrapped around us.

  “Tomorrow’s my last full day here, Chuck. Do you really want to spend it watching me fall on my ass, almost colliding with trees and hot men?” I turned and kissed his cheek. “Wouldn’t you rather just stay here like this? Or we could go to the hot springs, make use of that little bikini again…”

  Chuck sighed. “You know, you were really good on the slopes, other than being on the wrong one. And I’d hate for that to be your last memory of skiing.” He slid his hand over the curve of my ass and grinned. “But if you want to just hang out, have lots of hot sex, order delivery food so we don’t starve, and make sure that I really have to air out this chalet before I rent it to anyone else…”

  “You better get it deep cleaned too. I think we’ve used just about every surface possible.” I smiled and tangled my fingers with his. “Okay. If you promise not to laugh at me.”

  “Why would I laugh? I would never put you in a situation where you’d even possibly make a fool of yourself.” He grinned and pulled me in closer. The look in his eyes made me think he was going to say something more, something I wasn’t sure I was ready to hear.

  “Well, if we’re going to spend tomorrow out on the slopes, then I think you’d better take me back to bed for the rest of the night, because if I’m going to have to deal with you dressed in layers tomorrow, I want you completely naked with me for the rest of the night now.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” He grinned and kissed me hungrily.

  The next morning, Chuck sat next to me on the ski lift, his thickly gloved hand resting on my knee since there was no way to hold hands with our ski gear on. “Ready?”

  I smiled at him, even though my heart was in my throat and I felt like I could barely breathe. “You swear we’re on an easy run, right?”

  “If I’m lying, you can kick me in the nuts later. With your ski boots on.” He leaned over and pressed a fleeting kiss to my cheek. “I could do this run with my eyes closed. I promise, you’ll be just fine.”

  “Rub it in,” I said with faux annoyance. I took a deep breath as Chuck and I reached the top of the lift and we hopped off. Almost immediately, Chuck nudged me forward, and I started sliding down the slope. Chuck followed me, careful to stay close behind without being on my heels.

  True to his word, this slope was much smoother than the one I’d met him on, and when we reached the bottom, I came to a stop with ease. “Okay, you’re right, that was a hell of a lot easier. Are you sure you didn’t just take it easy on me?”

  “We could go for the double black again, if you’re such a pro.” He grinned and pulled his goggles up. “You looked good out there. Even in ski pants, your ass looks so delectable.”

  “Chuck! Do you ever have any decorum?” Even as I asked it, I leaned in and kissed him. “Can we go again?”

  “You got it. As many times as you want. And maybe by the end of the day, I’ll even get you back on the double black.”

  I grinned. “Let’s stick with this run a couple times, and we’ll see how it goes.”

  Chuck smiled back, and I felt my heart flutter for what must’ve been the hundredth time in the past few days. Just the idea of leaving and going back to New York without him made me feel sick, but we hadn’t talked at all about what came after I got on a plane. I would’ve been lying to myself if I tried to claim I hadn’t fallen for Chuck Wright.

  “We should get on the lifts again, if we’re going to get any more skiing done today.” I looked away, pretending to be studying the signage. “You know, if you wanted to go on the harder runs by yourself, I wouldn’t be offended.”

  “Aubrey, I’m here with you. I came to ski with you. I can ski the double black diamonds any day of the week. But this might be the only time I can convince you to come out here with me, and I want to make the most of it.” He leaned in and kissed me softly. “Besides, you wouldn’t want me to collide with some other gorgeous woman, would you? That might be my schtick.”

  “Yeah, well, if it is, you’ll just have to wait a couple days. I’m not letting you go that easily.” I grinned and pushed off toward the lifts. “Come on, slowpoke, or I’m going up without you.”

  “Oh, is that how it is now, Miss Expert Skier?” He swept his arm out in front of him. “By all means, show me how it’s done.”

  We spent the morning on the slopes, and by the time we broke for lunch, I actually felt much more confident on my skis. Not confident enough to try the expert runs, necessarily, but I was actually thinking about trying to come back again for more. Of course, my return to Aspen would be heavily weighted based on how things ended with Chuck. Or didn’t end?

  “Where do you want to go for lunch? My treat.” Chuck pulled off his skis and boots, loading them into his Jeep with ease.

  I followed suit and unsnapped my skis, sighing in relief as I changed into regular boots again. “How about that Mexican place you suggested the first time we met? I’m beginning to think you have exceptional taste, and if you say it’s good, I’m willing to give it a shot.”

  Chuck laughed. “Oh, now you want to try it.”

  “I’m a jerk. I know.”

  Chuck leaned in and kissed me, his mouth slanting over mine with a possessive force that made my toes curl and made me want to demand he take me back to the chalet instead. “I’m just giving you shit. Mexican sounds great. Want to walk?”

  I nodded, and he took my hand in his, squeezing my fingers gently as we strolled down the street together.

  A block from the Mexican restaurant, I caught sight of Mindi and Greg walking the opposite direction, coming straight for us. Mindi looked like she was wearing a brand-new coat, one I’d seen in one of the shop windows while walking around town, and, unless my eyes were deceiving me, new diamond earrings too.

  “What do you want to do?” Chuck’s voice was low, but his hand gripped mine tighter.

  I’d lost track of how many calls and texts I’d ignored from the two of them since I came to Aspen, and I was sure I’d missed double that from my mother. But it was a small town, and it just stood to reason I’d run into them the one day Chuck and I decided to venture far from bed. Frankly, I didn’t understand why they were still here, still trying to get into contact with me. I was done with them.

  “I’m not going to avoid them anymore. If they can’t be polite, then they’ll just look like the assholes.” I squeezed his hand a little tighter though, as they approached.

  “Aubrey.” Greg’s tone was icier than the slopes had been, and his jaw was clenched so tightly, I wondered if his teeth hurt.

  “Hello, Greg. Mindi, you’re looking better than when I saw you last. I hope you’re feeling better.”

  Chuck’s hand slipped from mine and moved to my lower back. He shifted slightly, but noticeably closer to me. “I hope you’re both enjoying Aspen. It looks like you’ve certainly been taking advantage of the shopping.”

  Mindi fluffed her hair, and I had no doubt it was to show off the diamonds in her ears. “Oh, yes, I just can’t help myself. It’s not quite as posh as New York shopping, but for a small town, you’ve got some big names.”

  “Well, enjoy the rest of your stay. Chuck and I have somewhere to be.” I smiled at them, practically batting my eyelashes as I pushed past them. “Oh, and Greg, just remember, if any of your things are still in my house when I get home, I have every right to burn them in my fireplace.”

  Chuck kept his hand low on my back as we kept walking, but he released me abruptly when he spun around, fist clenched. “Did you have something else to say?”

  Greg was standing in the middle of the sidewalk with Mindi behind him, nearly crouched down. Greg’s chest was practically heaving as he moved closer to me, his fists in tight balls. “You fucking whore. You
’re going to seriously stand there like you’re better than me, like you haven’t spent your entire week in Aspen with this working-class douchebag balls deep inside you? You’re seriously going to threaten me, the things I’ve worked my ass off to get? I paid for that house, bitch. I should make you move out.”

  Chuck’s fist slammed into Greg’s jaw so quickly, I hardly saw him move before Greg’s head flew back and blood spurted upward. He staggered backward and Mindi only stepped out of his way.

  “Aubrey is so much more than you will ever be, you fucking prick.” Chuck swung again, this time colliding with Greg’s nose in a sickening crunch. “If you ever talk to her again, I will personally fly out to New York and put you in a morgue.”

  I reached out and gently touched Chuck’s arm. “He’s not worth it. Come on, Chuck. Greg’s a sniveling weasel of a man, and not worth going to jail over.” I turned to my ex-fiancé and bent down, picking up a snowball as I said, “You should really get some ice on that.”

  Then I threw the packed snow at his face and grabbed Chuck’s hand, pulling him away as quickly as I could through the crowd.

  When we finally made it out of the freezing air into the spicy-scented atmosphere of the Mexican restaurant, Chuck nearly collapsed against the doorframe, laughing. “You threw a snowball at him!”

  I blushed and held out my hands helplessly as if to say, what else was I supposed to do? “I didn’t feel like you should be the only one to defend my honor.”

  The host looked over at us, almost like she was afraid to interrupt, and I smiled. “Two, please.”

  Chuck was still laughing as we were seated in a booth near the back of the restaurant. He slid into the same side I was on, and wrapped his arms around me. “It was so fucking hot. You can defend my honor anytime.”

  I nudged him in the ribs with my elbow and smirked. “Who says you deserve my defense?”

  He tilted my head toward him and pressed his mouth to mine hungrily, his hand sliding over my thigh, getting dangerously close to my crotch as a server came by and coughed, announcing his presence.

  After lunch, Chuck took a moment to check his messages, and sighed as he returned to the table. “Luke left a voicemail while we were skiing. Sounds like I’m going to have to go do some work this afternoon.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You mean you have properties besides the chalet that have things go wrong?”

  “This sounds like human error, but yes, we do have other properties that need our very sexy maintenance man’s attentions.” Chuck leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Do you want me to drive you home before I head over, or are you going to do some more skiing?”

  I sighed, ignoring the flutter that happened when he referred to it as home. “I should probably go back to the chalet for a while. I have packing that needs to be done.”

  Chuck paid for lunch and then wrapped his arms around me. “I’ll make it up to you tonight. I can bring over some dinner, some wine…”

  “Maybe it’s better if you don’t. I mean, I have a lot of packing to get done, and I’m sure you have other things you need to do. You’ve been with me for days, practically nonstop.”

  “Aubrey, am I annoying you or something? Did I say something wrong? Was it punching Greg? Because I won’t apologize for that. He was a dick, and everything he said warranted what I did.”

  I leaned into him and pressed my cheek to his shoulder. “No, Chuck, you didn’t do anything wrong. I think you’re amazing and being with you these past few days has been incredible. But you have to admit, we haven’t talked much about where this is going after I leave. Are we just going to ignore the fact that tomorrow, I’m getting on a plane and then I’ll be miles away?”

  “Aubrey, I…” Chuck wrapped his arms around me tighter. “I’m completely aware that you’re leaving. It’s all I’ve been thinking about. But I don’t know what to do about it.” He kissed my cheeks and stroked my hair. “Can we just have tonight? It’s not like we don’t have each other’s numbers. We can still talk.”

  I curled into him, my stomach in knots and threatening to heave up everything I’d just eaten. Even though he was saying all the right things, I had no idea if I could believe him.

  Chuck held me there for a few more minutes, and then sighed. “I want to just keep holding you like this, but I really should be getting to the other property. Can I please come back to the chalet when I’m done, so that we can have dinner and one more night of hot sex together?”

  I nodded and pulled out of his arms slowly. “Can you still drive me back, or did we spend too much time here?”

  “I can absolutely drive you.” He tangled his fingers with mine and we walked slowly to the car, nearly meandering along, as if he didn’t want the walk to end any more than I did.

  Chuck held my hand all the way back to the chalet, and as we pulled into the drive, he leaned over and kissed me. The way his mouth moved over mine felt different somehow; it still held all the passion and heat his kisses usually did, but there was something else there, something I couldn’t put my finger on.

  I sighed breathily as he pulled away. “Let me know when you’re on your way back? I’ll put in an order for delivery.”

  He cupped my cheek, and the way his blue eyes studied me made my heart skip a beat. “I’ll hurry.”

  I let out a laugh, even though his suggestion was anything but funny. “Don’t rush through a repair on my account. I’ll be here when you’re done.”

  Chuck leaned in again like he was going to kiss me, but he didn’t. He just pressed his forehead to mine and whispered, “Gorgeous, I...” He sighed and kissed my cheek. “I’ll be back as quick as I can.”

  My heart raced so fast in my chest, I wouldn’t have been surprised if Chuck could hear it. The look in his eyes, the tenderness in his voice, I was almost certain he was about to tell me he loved me. But that was crazy, right?

  I kissed him once more, needing to feel his lips on mine, and then I pushed open the car door. “I’ll be waiting.”

  I hurried into the chalet, fighting the urge to beg him to take me with him to the other property, or to make Luke hire someone to handle the issue.

  My hands were shaking as I gathered my things, room by room, through the chalet. Every inch of this place made me ache for Chuck’s presence with me and packing up to leave felt so wrong. Each article of clothing reminded me of what I did with Chuck when I wore it, and where and how he removed them from my body.

  How could I feel this strongly for a man I’d only met days ago? I spent years with Greg, got to know every last detail of his life, and he never inspired such a reaction from me. Was it just that the sex with Chuck was mind-blowing, whereas sleeping with Greg was just adequate? Or was there something more going on?

  As I started gathering up my toiletries, avoiding looking at the shower as long as possible, I found a small velvet bag tucked in between my lotion and my toothpaste.

  Scrunching up my nose, I picked it up and pulled open the drawstring. I upturned the bag and poured out the contents into my open palm, then set down the velvet sack and picked up the pendant by its thin, coppery chain.

  A dusty pink rock was suspended by a copper wire chain wrapped in twisting curly-cues, and each turn of the mostly oval stone revealed different aspects: darker veins of almost red, lighter spots of almost white.

  I swallowed hard, trying to remember if I’d ever pointed the stone out to Chuck in the rocks and gems shop. I didn’t recall showing him. Rather, I was sure we’d gotten distracted by the saleswoman offering us worry stones. But I had no doubt this was the stone I’d decided was my favorite—the Colorado state mineral of rhodochrosite.

  I slipped the pendant around my neck and admired the way it hung at just the right length in the mirror. I had no doubt Chuck had bought it for me, but I couldn’t figure out how he’d guessed it was my favorite.

  Wearing the necklace Chuck had picked out for me made packing a little easier, knowing I had a piece of him to take back with me. />


  The repairs on the cabin took most of the afternoon, and by the time I was finished, I was in desperate need of a shower. I wanted to look presentable for my last night with Aubrey.

  On the way home, I got a call from Liling, and picked it up without hesitation. “Hey, Lil. What’s up?”

  “Just checking up on my brother, seeing how you’re doing. The whole family thinks you’ve dropped off the face of the planet. Come to Zane’s tonight.”

  “Can’t. I’ve got plans.”

  “With that girl from the other day? Are you really still hanging out with her? She must be something special. I can’t remember the last time you kept a woman in your life longer than a weekend.”

  I pictured Aubrey, sleeping soundly in my bed next to me, her hair ruffled from sex. The image had me grinning from ear to ear. “Yes, with Aubrey. It’s her last night in Aspen.”

  Liling paused. “You really like her, huh?”

  “Yeah, I really do. She’s incredible.” I sighed. “How about we do The Oak Barrel tomorrow night? Or you can come over and I’ll pop open a bottle of wine.”

  “You’re going to let your underage sister drink? I’m shocked.”

  “Like you don’t do it all the time when you’re traveling. I’m sure Mom and Dad would be happier knowing you’re doing it with me.” I smiled and pulled into my driveway. “Besides, Dad’s English. He’s hardly one to talk about drinking ages. He used to talk about getting Grandpop a beer and sneaking one for himself by, like, twelve.”

  “I must be your favorite because you never let Neil drink.”

  I chuckled. “Neil is a jerk.”

  “Okay, you get the wine, I’ll bring dinner, and you can tell me all about this woman who’s got your panties in a twist.”